The school plaza will be a car-free zone and provide safe and seamless links for those walking, cycling and scooting to school. As well as larger and more direct pathways, smaller and more informal paths will meander through woodland and landscaped planting, giving opportunities for play and adventure for children of all ages.
In keeping with Waterbeach’s approach to accessible play areas inspired by nature, grassy mounds and timber play features will offer “play on the way” to and from school: with logs, balance beams and stepping-stones, ensuring a variety of things to do and learn on your journey each day.
New trees being planted will include fruit bearing orchard trees, alongside new hedges, and landscaping which will include ornamental shrubs and grasses, wildflower areas, herb gardens and a dipping pond. These not only fit with and connect to the development’s wider biodiversity and habitats strategy, but also bring nature closer to people.
Paul Mumford, project director at Urban&Civic, said:
“The new primary school at Waterbeach is an important building block for the development and the school plaza has been designed not just to get to the school safely, but to create its own space for families to come together, meet, talk and play as children start and end their school day – which is really important, especially in a new community as neighbours get to know each other.
“We are really excited that – enabled by the design of the car free school – the plaza can create a place for people and nature: creating some really special walks to school!”
We are really excited that - enabled by the design of the car free school – the plaza can create a place for people and nature: creating some really special walks to school!